Open Lecture

Kyoto University

Name of course Contents
Open Lecture "Spring and Autumn Lecture"
→Click here for details
The Spring and Autumn Lectures are open lectures that have been held since the fall of 1988 (Showa 63) in order to widely share intellectual property cultivated through academic research activities at Kyoto University with people inside and outside the university. Twice a year, lectures are held in spring and autumn with the main theme.
Open Lecture
"Kyoto University Future Forum"
→Click here for details
Since April 2004, the Kyoto University Future Forum has been holding open lectures and exchanging opinions with graduates active in various fields such as companies, government agencies, international organizations, NGOs, universities and research institutes, mass media, culture and the arts, in order to further deepen cooperation and collaboration between universities and society.

Contact Us

Public Relations Division
, General Affairs Department Tel : 075-753-2225 Fax : 075-753-2286

Kyoto University of Education

Name of course Contents
Open Lecture
→Click here for details
Kyoto University of Education is a university that "trains educators" and has faculty members in a wide range of fields, including education, the teaching profession, and academics and arts related to each subject. Taking advantage of this feature, we hold open lectures in various fields throughout the year that can be taken by people of all ages, from children to adults.
Public Lecture
→Click here for details
Kyoto University of Education is a university that "trains educators" and has faculty members in a wide range of fields, including education, the teaching profession, and academics and arts related to each subject.
Taking advantage of this feature, we hold public lectures on different themes every year.
Please visit our website for details.

Contact Us

Planning, Public Relations and Regional Cooperation Group
, General Affairs & Planning Division Tel :075-644-8125

Kyoto Institute of Technology

Name of course Contents
Winter Field Exploration Team Summer Vacation Experience Class The Field Science Education and Research Center for Bioresources on the Saga Campus uses fields rich in nature to hold hands-on classes that parents and children can participate in in summer and winter. Through various programs such as mini-lectures on mushi and sakumotsu, insect collection and nature observation in the field, we provide a place to develop an interest in nature and living things.
Children's Nature Observation Group Mini Insect Exhibition In addition to observing Yamamayu, an endemic species of insect species from Kyoto Japan, and silk insects that live in satoyama, we hold study sessions, lectures, mini insect exhibitions, etc. for children and the general public to think about environmental problems and biodiversity crises. At the field observation meeting in collaboration with the Kyoto Urban Greenery Association, you can experience the natural environment of the forest through insect collection.

Contact Us

Research Promotion and Industry-Academia Collaboration Division Industry-Academia/Regional Relations Section
Tel:075-724-7035 FAX:075-724-7030

Kyoto City University of Arts

Name of course Contents
Art Resources Research Center (Geishoken) Archive Study Group
→Click here for details
The Art Resources Research Center (Geishiken) was established in April 26 with the aim of reconsidering the works of art and various materials of Kyoto and Kyoto as "artistic resources" from a broad perspective and leading to the creation of new art in the future.
We hold an open archive workshop as an opportunity for people to take an interest in the research activities of the Institute and to experience the research results.
Summer Art School
→Click here for details
In order to widely provide as many people as possible with the knowledge and skills of art education that the Faculty of Fine Arts has accumulated over its long history, this course will open a variety of courses such as practical skills and lectures during the summer vacation from the 18th academic year, and faculty members, part-time lecturers, graduate school students, etc. of our university will provide direct guidance. Participants include local residents and people from all over the country.
Japan Traditional Music Research Center
"Open Lecture", "Denon Series Lecture", "Denon Seminar
" →Click here for details
"Open Lecture": Present the results of research on the structure of Japan's traditional performing arts and the underlying culture to the public.
"Denon Continuous Course": While watching sound sources, videos, and live performances, students read performance materials such as sheet music.
"Denon Seminar": An introductory seminar that explains valuable sound sources while listening.

Contact Us

【Art Resources Research Center (Geishiken) Archive Study Group】
Secretariat, Academic Affairs and Student Affairs Division, Center for the Research Center
for Art and Resources Tel : 075-334-2006
Fax : 075-334-2345

Secretariat, Collaboration Promotion Division, Project Promotion
Officer Tel: 075-334-2204 Fax: 075-334-2281

Kyoto Prefectural University

Name of course Contents
Sakura Kaede Course
→Click here for details
In order to widely provide the university's "knowledge" to the citizens of Kyoto Prefecture and local residents, it is held every summer and autumn as lifelong learning courses by TUFS faculty members. Conducted on demand due to the new corona disaster. The theme is set in different ways every year to meet diverse needs.
Regional Culture Seminar

Contact Us

Kyoto Regional Future Creation Center
Tel : 075-703-5390

Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine

Name of course Contents
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Cancer Professional Training Plan Prefectural Open Lecture
→Click here for details
We regularly hold open lectures for the general public to explain the latest information on cancer prevention, countermeasures, treatment, etc. in an easy-to-understand manner.
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Open Lecture
→Click here for details
Every year, one course is offered each in the School of Medicine and the Department of Nursing, and the theme is set with the latest medical and nursing related content in the research fields of our university.
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Health Seminar In response to requests from municipalities in the prefecture, faculty members of the University visit municipalities to give lectures, and the theme is selected from the specialized fields of the faculty members of the University.

Contact Us

【Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Cancer Professional Training Plan Open Lecture】
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Graduate School
of Student Affairs Tel: 075-251-5227

【Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Open Lecture】
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine General Affairs
Division Tel : 075-251-5210 【Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Health Seminar】
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine General Affairs
Division Tel: 075-251-5210

Fukuchiyama Public University

Name of course Contents
Fukuchiyama Public University Open Lecture
→Click here for details
The purpose of this program is to provide the "knowledge" possessed by the university to the citizens of Fukuchiyama at large and to help form a sustainable local community. This year, the program was held with themes such as tourism and public sector. Held a total of 5 times a year.
Fukuchiyama Public University Regional Revitalization Seminar In order to promote lifelong learning for citizens and develop human resources who can contribute to the community, special lectures with higher expertise than general open lectures are held in the form of seminars.
Iguchi President's School "Iwanami Shinsho Series Japan Reading Modern History [10 Volumes]" The purpose of this project is to provide the "knowledge" possessed by Fukuchiyama Public University to a wide range of Fukuchiyama citizens and to help
form a sustainable local community. Modern and contemporary history was discussed in a discussion format. Held about 12 times a year.

Contact Us

Municipal Learning and Career Support Center
Tel :0773-24-7151

Otani University

Name of course Contents
Lifelong Learning Course "Open Seminar"
→Click here for details
Among the lifelong learning courses offered at our university, "Open Seminars" are held in a lecture format (face-to-face or online) about 3~6 times that emphasize the expertise of the university's research area and systematically learn while deepening it. In order to deepen learning, we also offer courses that are held continuously over several years.
Lifelong Learning Course "Shimei Course"
→Click here for details
Among the lifelong learning courses offered at our university, the "Shimei Course" is offered in about three lecture formats (face-to-face or online) as an introduction to learning the research areas of our university in an easy-to-understand manner. We set a wide range of themes respecting the interests of the participants, and also conduct fieldwork and practical skills depending on the course.
"Xiaotian Course"
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Otani University's Xiaoten Lecture is held every year by Yasui lecturers and faculty members in conjunction with the "Ango" period, which is held at the university as an academic event of the Shinshu Otani school (Higashi Honganji).

1. Course period: 3 days
during the comfort period 6

:30~7:30 a.m. 2. Admission fee: Free

3. Remarks: After the course, a breakfast of
azuki porridge will be served.

Contact Us

[Lifelong Learning Course "Open Seminar" / "Shimei Course"]
Education and Research Support Division, Education and Research Support Department Tel : 075-411-8161
["Xiaotian Lecture"]
General Affairs Department, General Affairs Division
, Facilities Team
Tel : 075-411-8163

Kyoto University of Foreign Studies / Kyoto Junior College of Foreign Studies

Name of course Contents
Lifelong Learning Course (Foreign Language Course)
→Click here for details
With the aim of contributing to the enhancement of the culture and culture of the local community by utilizing the educational resources of Kyoto University of Foreign Studies and aiming to become a university open to the community, we have established lifelong learning courses for working adults and local residents who aim for "global communication" and "cross-cultural understanding."
(1) Latin American Liberal Arts Course (2) Latin
American Studies Course
→Click here for details
(1) This is a series of courses held multiple times from June to July every year. It is intended for the general public who do not have expertise in Latin America.
(2) Classes are held once a year, generally in the fall semester. The content is academic and lectures and discussions may be held in foreign languages, so it is aimed at researchers, but the general public is also welcome to participate.
International Cultural Museum Open Lecture (twice a year) International Cultural Museum Research Lecture (once a year)

→Click here for details

We hold exhibitions and lectures related to the history and culture of Central and South America.

Contact Us

[(1) Latin American Liberal Arts Course (2) Latin American Studies Course]
Institute of Latin American Studies, Kyoto University of
Foreign Studies Tel :075-312-3388
FAX :075-322-6237

【Lifelong Learning Course (Foreign Language Course)】
Language Center
Tel : 075-757-8204 【International Cultural Museum】
Tel :075-864-8741 FAX :075-864-8760

Kyoto University of Advanced Science

Name of course Contents
Faculty of Health and Medical Care Public Lecture
→Click here for details
The Faculty of Health Sciences, Kyoto University of Advanced Science has been holding public lectures every year since its establishment in 2015.
This year, we invited Dr. Kiyoji Tanaka, Professor Emeritus of the University of Tsukuba and Doctor of Education, to give a lecture on "Smart Ways of Living and Aging for Healthy Aging (Health and Aging)" under the theme of "Habituation of Exercise and Sports and Healthy Aging".

Kyoto Huading University / Huading Junior College

Name of course Contents
Huading Open Lecture
→Click here for details →
Click here for details
In order to return the university's distinctive educational and research results based on the founding spirit of the university to the local community, we hold open lectures on the theme of "history, culture, family, family, community, society, and food" about five times a year. Reiwa FY2 and FY3 were canceled to prevent the spread of corona infections, but in FY Reiwa 4, we are considering implementing them while monitoring the situation.

Contact Us

【Kyoto Huading University / Huading Junior College】
President's Office
Tel : 075-551-1600
Fax : 075-551-1625

Kyoto Koka Women's University, Kyoto Koka Women's University Junior College

Name of course Contents
Kyoto Koka Open Lecture
→Click here for details
Open lectures (free of charge) are held twice a year with the aim of making the results of daily research led by faculty members of the university widely available to the general public and returning the university's intellectual property to society, and provide courses in various fields and themes.
Kyoto Koka Town Development Course
→Click here for details
We set themes according to the needs and circumstances of the region, and as a series of projects, we hold regional cooperation courses (free of charge) that contribute to town development.

Contact Us

Regional Cooperation Promotion Center
Tel : 075-325-5259
FAX : 075-314-4515

Kyoto Sangyo University

Name of course Contents
Lifelong Learning "Musubiwaza Course"
→Click here for details
Equestrian and jogging courses are held as sports courses. Centered on the University Club, faculty, staff, students, alumni, and the community work together to hold courses in a collaborative learning style.

Contact Us

Social Cooperation Center Office
Tel : 075-705-2952

Kyoto Women's University

Name of course Contents
Open lectures
sponsored by undergraduate departments, etc. →Click here for details)
The university conducts lectures based on the academic areas of each faculty and department and the research areas of affiliated facilities (research institutes), as well as academic lectures by inviting guest speakers from outside the university.
Lifelong Learning Course
→Click here for details
In order to return the results of our education and research to society and provide a wide range of lifelong learning opportunities, we offer a series of courses on a variety of themes.
New Year's Concert
→Click here for details
Every January, we hold a New Year's Concert at an external concert hall with the appearance of TUFS faculty members, mainly for Kyoto citizens.

Contact Us

Collaboration Promotion Division
Tel : 075-531-7080

Kyoto Seika University

Name of course Contents
Culture and Arts Liberal Arts
Course →Click here for details
Kyoto Seika University's course completion certificate program is in line with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's "Course Completion Certificate System". Students can easily take distinctive classes in the Faculty of Art, Design, Manga, Popular Culture, and Humanities. Those who have completed the course for 60 hours will receive a "Certificate of Completion".
Open lecture garden, children's garden
→Click here for details
This is a lifelong learning course at Kyoto Seika University. The "Garden," which opens up the "knowledge" of our university, features a variety of menus, from practical workshops to lectures on art and traditional industries. We also offer a "Children's Garden" for elementary school students and younger.
Assembly Hour Lecture
→Click here for details
This is a public lecture that has been held since the opening of Kyoto Seika University in 1968. We welcome first-class guests from various genres and provide the opportunity to experience the real voices of the times. No application is required and admission is free.

Contact Us

for Social Cooperation Tel : 075-702-5263
Fax : 075-722-5440

Kyoto University of the Arts

Name of course Contents
Art Academy
→Click here for details
In order to respond to "everyone's desire to learn", Art Gakusha is a new art college (open lecture) for working adults produced by Kyoto University of the Arts. We offer more than 250 courses in a variety of genres that anyone can participate in from one course per year. Focusing on courses linked to the university's correspondence education department, we conduct educational projects mainly in three locations in Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka, as well as in various places Japan, with the aim of realizing a life that is together with the arts.
Japan History
of Performing Arts →Click here for details
This course is coordinated by the Performing Arts Research Center and is open to the public the classes of Kyoto University of the Arts. Experts who are active on the front lines will be invited as lecturers to explain various traditional performing arts that have been passed down in the Japan with demonstrations.

Contact Us

【Art Academy】
Kyoto University of the Arts, Uryuyama Campus
Tel: 075-791-9124

【History of Japan Performing Arts】
Kyoto Art Theatre Ticket Center (Kyoto University of the Arts)
Tel: 075-791-8240

Kyoto Tachibana University

Name of course Contents
Kyoto Tachibana University Faculty of Letters History and Culture
→Click here for details
This is an open lecture planned by the Faculty of Letters, Kyoto Tachibana University, from the perspective of the history and culture of Kyoto.
The special lecture is planned to visit Kyoto's historical heritage and explore its charm, and the other three lectures will be held at Campus Plaza Kyoto, where faculty members of the Faculty of Letters of TUFS will discuss the history and culture of Kyoto from their respective perspectives, incorporating recent research results.
Kyoto Tachibana University Research Institute
for Women's History and Culture Symposium
→Click here for details)
The Institute for Women's History and Culture analyzes and researches the current situation of women and the historical and cultural environment in which they have been formed. Research on "women's history" and "women's culture" is promoted through interdisciplinary, international, and collaborative projects spanning various specialized fields, and the results of these research are returned to society through symposiums.
Extension Recurrent Course
→Click here for details
In order to return the research results of the faculties and departments established by the university to society at large, we hold various public seminars and symposiums for the public. In addition, we hold recurrent courses that provide learning opportunities for people with occupations to acquire a higher level of expertise.
Please see the details for details of the project and application.

Contact Us

Lifelong Education and Distance Education Division
Tel :075-574-4335 FAX :075-574-4338

Kyoto Notre Dame Women's University

Name of course Contents
Open Lecture
→Click here for details
Kyoto Notre Dame University is tackling various issues that are important to the next generation through education and research. In the open lectures, we would like to think and discuss these efforts together with you and explore new approaches for the future.

Contact Us

Please refer to the website.

Kyoto Bunkyo University

Name of course Contents
Uji Tea Culture Course
In preparation for the registration of Uji tea as a World Cultural Heritage Site, we hold "Uji Tea Culture Lectures" to learn about the appeal and value of Uji tea (6 times in total, co-hosted with Kyoto Prefecture). Through (1) lectures by tea producers and historians, and (2) "Delicious Uji tea brewing experience" lectures and experiences, you can experience the diversity of Uji tea and become a Uji tea connoisseur. The tea brewing experience is supported by TUFS students.
Kyoto Educational Extension Lecture
As a university and junior college open to the community, faculty members from the Department of Integrated Social Sciences, the Department of Clinical Psychology, the Department of Child Education, the Department of Live Design, the Department of Food and Nutrition, and the Department of Early Childhood Education will hold a variety of open lectures.
Fushimi Lecture Series
In cooperation with Fushimi Ward, Kyoto City, we will hold an open lecture that allows students to rediscover the charms of Fushimi and Uji near the university from various angles such as "history", "sightseeing", "community development", "housing", and "food", utilizing our expertise.

Contact Us

Field Research Office
, Social Cooperation Department TEL:0774-25-2630

Kyoto Bunkyo Junior College

Name of course Contents
Kyoto Educational Extension Lecture
→Click here for details
As a university and junior college open to the community, faculty members from the Department of Integrated Social Sciences, the Department of Clinical Psychology, the Department of Child Education, the Department of Live Design, the Department of Food and Nutrition, and the Department of Early Childhood Education will hold a variety of open lectures on the themes of "Health ~Mind and Body~," "Lifestyle, History and Religion," "Children's Education and Parenting," and "Career Advancement."

Contact Us

Field Research Office
, Social Cooperation Department Tel : 0774-25-2630
FAX : 0774-25-2822

Kyoto Pharmaceutical University

Name of course Contents
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University Extension Lecture Kyo no Yakutachibanashi ~Tips for living a healthy and prosperous life-
→Click here for details
As part of the Kyoto City "Cooperative University of Learning" Promotion Project (2021~2023), we are holding open lectures for citizens in collaboration with Kyoto Tachibana University. In AY2021, three themes were set, and pair lectures and Q&A sessions were held face-to-face and online for three days (July, September, and November) in a panel discussion format, in which faculty members from both universities gave lectures on each theme from their respective perspectives.

Contact Us

Kyoto Pharmaceutical University Secretariat, Practical and Lifelong Education Division
Tel: 075-595-4677
Fax: 075-595-4792

Saga Art University / Saga Art Junior College

Name of course Contents
Open lecture series "Kyoto's Aesthetics"
→Click here for details
Started in 2004 as a commemorative project for the opening of the university's Kakihara Campus "Arikyokan", this series of open lectures is based on the theme of wisdom and aesthetic sense handed down in Kyoto, which has been blessed with beautiful scenery that weaves the four seasons and has carved out a long history as a capital, but it has not been held since Reiwa 2 (2020) due to the influence of the new corona.

Contact Us

Social Cooperation and Research Support Group
Tel :075-864-7898
FAX :075-881-7133

Tanechiin University

Name of course Contents
Religious culture
conveyed by the belief in living gods →Click here for details
We participate in the "University Relay Course" sponsored by the University Consortium Kyoto, and hold an open lecture on Kyoto, Shingon Buddhism, and Esoteric Buddhism every year.
In fiscal 2021, we held an open lecture titled "Religious Culture Conveyed by the Belief in Living Gods" to explore the similarities between the "child" of the Gion Festival and the living god "Kumari" of Nepal, the birthplace of Buddha.

Contact Us

Educational Affairs Division
Tel: 075-604-5600 Fax: 075-604-5610

Doshisha University

Name of course Contents
Christian Culture Center Open Program
→Click here for details
At both the Kyotanabe and Imadegawa campuses, we offer courses on human rights, psychology, and music related to a wide range of Christian culture, as well as courses on sign language and Braille translation for practical skills. It is popular as a free and cheerful atmosphere course by instructors in each specialized field, and is open to other university students and the general public.
Kyotanabe Doshisha Human College
→Click here for details
With the aim of "promoting lifelong learning for residents, aiming for the realization of a rich self and the creation of a vibrant and cultural community," Doshisha University, Kyotanabe City, and the Kyotanabe City Board of Education hold an open lecture for citizens, "Kyotanabe Human College." We offer a wide range of courses to return the research results of university faculty members to society.

Contact Us

【Christian Culture Center Open Program】
Christian Culture Center Kyotanabe Campus Office
Tel :0774‐65‐7370
FAX ::0774‐65‐7374

【Kyotanabe Doshisha Human College】
Kyotanabe Regional Cooperation Promotion Office
Tel :0 774-65-7005
Fax :0774-65-7009

Doshisha Women's University

Name of course Contents
Doshisha Women's University Imadegawa Course
→Click here for details
This is an open lecture held at Doshisha Women's University's Imadegawa Campus and led by full-time faculty members to widely disseminate the results of our education and research to society. Started in 2008, the theme changes every year, but it aims to contribute to a lifelong learning society by covering familiar content such as "health" and "literature".
Learn about the history and culture
of Kyoto in a machiya →Click here for details
Since 2004, we have invited experts with deep knowledge of Kyoto's history and culture as lecturers, and have been holding four relay courses in one term. There are also opportunities to experience the life of machiya and talk while eating Kyoto sweets after the lecture. It has also been adopted as a project to promote "Kyomachiya as a future Kyoto community development program."
Entrepreneurship Seminar
for Women →Click here for details
This seminar is sponsored by the Women's Activation Center of TUFS with the aim of supporting the development of female entrepreneurs. Female entrepreneurs from outside the university are invited as lecturers to give lectures and hold workshops. At the end of the seminar, a business plan contest is held by a group of participants.

Contact Us

【Doshisha Women's University Imadegawa Course】
Public Relations Division
Tel: 0774-65-8631

【History and Culture of Kyoto Learned in Machiya】
Faculty of Contemporary Social Studies/Graduate School of
International Social Systems Office TEL:0774-65-8543 [Entrepreneurship Seminar for Women]
Women's Activation Center
Tel : 075-251-4153 FAX : 075-251-4152

Hanazono University

Name of course Contents
Zen and Heart
→Click here for details
It is held under the theme of personality cultivation through Zen Buddhism, which is the "founding spirit" of our university. In FY2021, as in the previous fiscal year, due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, we were asked to refrain from attending face-to-face lectures, but only the lectures by the President of Hanazono University, which are distributed to students, were released as open lectures via video distribution.
Kyoto Studies Course
→Click here for details →
Click here for details
The theme of Hanazono University's Faculty of Letters is to take advantage of its privileged environment as a university in Kyoto to pursue the culture nurtured by Kyoto. The Kyoto Studies Course is held as a free general auditing course, and in fiscal 2019 it celebrated its 20th time. Last year, classes were canceled due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, but this year we are distributing a video titled "Unprecedented Crisis and Kyoto".
Hanazono University Regional Collaboration Course "Manabi-an"
→Click here for details →
Click here for details
In fiscal 2021, we will distribute videos under four titles, and we will hold a YouTube live course titled "Manabi-an" by two Kyoto people at the local Kyomachiya "Kamishichiken Bunko" under the title of "Kyomachiya Manabi-an" by two "Kyoto people".

Contact Us

["Zen and Heart"]
General Affairs Division
Tel :075-811-5181 FAX :075-811-9664

Community Cooperation Education Center
Tel : 075-823-0581 FAX : 075-811-9664

Bukkyo University

Name of course Contents
Bukkyo University Open Learning
Center Open Lecture
→Click here for details
The open lectures
of Bukkyo University Open Learning Center (O.L.C.) have three distinctive features.
【Feature (1)】More than 600 courses are offered
annually 【Feature (2)】Whether you apply face-to-face or online,
there is a missed delivery for 1 month 【Feature (3)】Subscription (flat-rate membership) is
introduced! !! For 12,000 yen for half a year, you can take all the courses of more than 300 for half a year Unlimited use Since its opening in 1984 (Showa 59) in Shijo Karasuma, the center of Kyoto City,
the predecessor of Bukkyo University Shijo Center, has been offering courses in a wide range of fields and providing opportunities for people of all

ages to learn as a city campus. In April 2021, we moved our functions to Murasakino in Kyoto, and as the Bukkyo University Open Learning Center (O.L.C.), we will develop a new lecture style that combines face-to-face and online using ICT, opening the door to your "learning" anytime, anyone, anywhere.

Contact Us

Bukkyo University Open Learning Center
Tel: 075-366-5511
Fax: 075-493-9102
(o and l are lowercase letters.) It's not a number. )

Ritsumeikan University

Name of course Contents
Ritsumeikan Saturday Course
→Click here for details
The Ritsumeikan Saturday Lecture was held by the late President Emeritus Hiroshi Suekawa, who was the president at the time, who advocated that "scholarship and science are for protecting the interests of the masses and human rights, that universities create human beings through learning, and that it is important to walk with the masses, think with the masses, and learn with the masses." It was established in 1946 with the aim of strengthening ties between the university and the local community. It is held about 20 times a year on Saturdays, and has been held more than 3,300 times so far.
Tomorrow's Kyoto Cultural Heritage Platform
Public Symposium Forum
→Click here for details)
The Kyoto Cultural Heritage Platform of Tomorrow aims to pass on to future generations the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of Kyoto without damaging it, and is an organization that provides a platform for cultural heritage owners, inheritors of traditional culture and performing arts, researchers, governments, and local communities to work together. We hold symposiums and forums several times a year to provide a place to connect citizens and experts for thought.
Kyoto History Corridor Association
"Kyoto Studies Seminar"
→Click here for details
The Kyoto Historical Corridor Council was established in 2004 with the participation of the general public, temples and shrines, artists, shopkeepers, and universities in the northwestern area of Kyoto City. In addition to developing human resources who will be responsible for regional revitalization and community development, we are developing a variety of cultural projects in collaboration with industry, government, academia, and the local community. Kyoto Studies Seminar is an academic course on the theme of history, culture, art, etc. co-sponsored with member universities.

Contact Us

【Ritsumeikan Saturday Course】
Kinugasa Research Office Tel : 075-465-8224
Fax : 075-465-8245

【Kyoto of Tomorrow Cultural Heritage Platform Public Symposium Forum】
Social Cooperation Division
Tel : 075-813-8166 【Kyoto History Corridor Association "Kyoto Studies Seminar"】
Kinugasa Campus Community Relations Division
Tel: 075-466-3776

Ryukoku University / Ryukoku University Junior College

Name of course Contents
Ryukoku Online Course
→Click here for details
Since 2021, we have been offering a new public lecture for citizens, "Ryukoku Online Course" (paid). This course is based on on-demand distribution, and for about one month, you can take it as many times as you like, at any place you like, on your computer or smartphone. A variety of courses on Buddhism, history, literature, modern society, nature, etc. are offered on a monthly basis.
For details, please check the related website.
Ryukoku Junior Campus
→Click here for details
With the aim of allowing elementary school students to experience the joy and fun of learning and physical activity, faculty members and student circles of TUFS serve as lecturers and offer nearly 30 courses ranging from sports to culture and art, nature and the environment. A total of about 1,000 people take the course every year.
Ryukoku Course
→Click here for details
In response to the demands of modern society, free courses have been offered since 1977 with the aim of returning the results of research at our university to the local community and fulfilling a part of the university's social mission. About six courses are offered annually, focusing on themes that make use of the characteristics of our undergraduate departments, such as problems faced by modern society.

Contact Us

【Ryukoku Online Course】
Ryukoku Extension Center (REC) Tel :075-645-7892 FAX :075-645-9222

Ryukoku Extension Center Administration Department (Kyoto)

Tel : 075-645-2098
Fax :075-645-9222

Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University

Name of course Contents
Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University Public Lecture
→Click here for details
With the aim of becoming a university that is open to society at large, and with the aim of improving the intellectual development of local communities and disseminating medical knowledge, we will hold open lectures for citizens on medical information and familiar diseases. Medication consultation and nursing consultation are also provided.

Contact Us

Osaka Medical College General Affairs Division
Tel: 072-683-1221 (ext. 2616)
Fax: 072-681-3723

Kyoto University of Informatics

Name of course Contents
Industry-academia collaboration holds
various seminars and
events →Click here for details)
The Cyber Kyoto Research Institute of The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics holds various seminars for industry-academia collaboration and events that the general public can participate in.

Contact Us

Please refer to the website.

About our business