
The appeal of going on to study in Kyoto

The whole city of Kyoto is one campus

What do you imagine when you hear the word "Kyoto"? You can imagine various things such as "history", "tradition", "culture", "art", "manufacturing", and "sightseeing". Kyoto is also a "city of universities and students" with about 50 universities and junior colleges and about 170,000 students studying, and the entire city of Kyoto is like one campus. You may be worried about taking the entrance exam, but let's take a peek at campus life after entering university and the charm of Kyoto!

Learning style

Learning Style in Kyoto 2015

We have compiled a book about campus life after entering university, obtaining qualifications to get a job that interests you, and the charm of the city of Kyoto.

Kyoto's Learning Style 2015【Click here for details】


Let's study at a university in Kyoto! Kyoto Campus Attraction Guide 【Click here for details】
Living in Kyoto! A student-friendly city 【Click here for details】
Study in Kyoto! Socialize! "Information on University Consortium Kyoto" 【Click here for details】
Four Points for Choosing a University (Part 1) List of academic fields by system 【Click here for details】
Four points for choosing a university (Part 2) Main licenses and qualifications that can be obtained 【Click here for details】 Click here for a list of "other" licenses and qualifications of each university and junior college 【Click here for details】
4 points for choosing a university (Part 3) University recommendation information 【Click here for details】
Four Points for Choosing a University (Part 4) Open Campus / School Festival Calendar 2015 【Click here for details】
Kyoto B&S (Brother & Sister) Program 【Click here for details】
Corporate Sponsorship Page 【Click here for details】

Member school entrance examination information site

Contact information

Consortium of Universities Kyoto in charge
of Learning Style 2015 TEL 075-353-9130 FAX 075-353-9121
〒600-8216 Campus Plaza Kyoto
, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto *Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00~17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)