
Outline of the event


How to develop the skills required in the new era
~The meaning of the high school-university connection test~

The 8th High School-University Collaborative Education Forum

December 3, 2010 (Fri) 9:30~17:00
Campus Plaza Kyoto
Kyoto High School Collaborative Research Council (Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education/Kyoto City Board of Education/Kyoto Prefectural Federation of Private Junior and Senior High Schools/Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry/University Consortium Kyoto)
The 8th High School-University Collaborative Education Forum Leaflet [Click here for details]
<Part 1> 9:30~12:30
Time Contents
Keynote Speech
Theme: A turning point
in the connection between Japan high schools and universities Speaker: Takao Sasaki (Project Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, Hokkaido University)
 The "Japan-type high school-university connection," which lacks a common grasp of academic ability in the educational connection from high school to university and relies on the grasp of academic ability necessary for connecting university entrance examinations, is facing a crisis as a system due to (1) the flexibility of the high school curriculum, and (2) "non-academic ability selection" and "minority subject entrance examinations." The "High School-University Connection Test (tentative name)" aims to make a systematic shift in response to such crises. It is necessary to build infrastructure for high school-university connections centered on "completion of general education" through goal-based achievement tests, and to ensure the quality of secondary education and higher education at the knowledge-based society stage.
Symposium 10:25~11:40 Theme: How to develop the skills required in the new era ~The meaning of the high school-university connection test~
Presenter: Katsumi Arase (Principal, Horikawa High School, Kyoto City) Reporter: Takashi Murakami (Dean, Graduate School of Sociology, Chukyo University) Presenter: Ms. Kumiko Obino (Executive Secretary, Kansai Association of Corporate Executives / Vice President, Wakayama University) Presenter: Takao Sasaki (Project Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, Hokkaido University) C N: Hiroshi Kurumoto (University Consortium Kyoto High School-University Collaboration Promotion Office / Professor, Ritsumeikan University)
Discussion, Opinion Exchange, Summary
<Part 2> Session I 13:30~15:00
Type Contents
Session A
Theme: Opportunities for Student Growth and Career Education Presenter: Takashi Miura (Senior Teacher, Okayama Soyama High School) Presenter: Masashi Takada (Special Advisor, Benesse Center for Education
and Research and Development) C N: Toshiki Ikoma (Professor, Kyoto University of Art and Design)
Subcommittee B
Entrance Examination
Theme: Education required for 0th year university students ~ Pre-enrollment education for early successful applicants ~
Presenter: Shinichi Koriyama (Director of Career Guidance, Kyoto Prefectural Toba High School) Presenter: Ms. Yowako Yamamoto (Associate Professor, Kyoto Institute of Technology) C N: Osamu Namiki (Professor, Otani University)
<Part 3 > Session II 15:30~17:00
Type Contents
1: Expressive Techniques
Theme: Curriculum
for designing dialogue and expression Presenter: Shinya Ohmoto (Chief Guidance Officer and Chief of Social Education Section, Hyogo Prefectural Board of Education Secretariat)
Presenter: Yukari Makino (Professor, Kansai University) C N: Yoichi Tsutsui (Professor, Kyoto Seika University)
Session 2
: Mathematics
Theme: Fostering
Students Who Can Thrive at University Presenter: Naohiro Yokoya (Teacher, Nara Women's University Secondary School) Presenter: Atsuyuki Ichiki (Professor, Ritsumeikan University) C N: Junpei Sakai (Teacher, Ritsumeikan Uji Junior and Senior High School)
Session 3
Title:English proficiency
required in the field of science and technology Presenter:Maki Iwata (Teacher, Kyoto Prefectural Rakuhoku High School) Presenter:Naoto Tsutsumi (Professor, Kyoto Institute of Technology) C N:Yuji Miyajima (Supervisor, Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education)
4: Science
Theme: Development of practical skills and provision
of goal-oriented learning opportunities through exploratory activities Presenter: Isao Iizawa (Teacher, Horikawa High School, Kyoto City) Presenter: Satoshi Sakai (Professor, Graduate School, Kyoto University) C N: Hiroaki Hirai (Supervisor, Kyoto City Board of Education)

Contact information

University Consortium Kyoto, High School-University Collaborative Education Forum
TEL 075-353-9153 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Campus Plaza Kyoto
, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto *Business hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00~17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

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